The Quilietti Family

The story of a Scots Italian family


Enzo Brattesani lives and works  in Parma in Italy.  He has very kindly forwarded us this most beautiful Family Crest.  We dedicate this page to his father Gabriele Brattesani and to his forefathers before him.

The Brattesani Family Crest.  The family is documented here as originating from Florence circa 1620.  I can see the mention of Pelligrino Brattesani quite clearly and also Nicolo Brattesani as well.

Enzo was born in  Rovinaglia,  Borgotora in Parma on  Monday 24th JANUARY 1955

Map of the Region showing Rovinaglia just south of Borgotora. Also Buzzo Valdena  and Albareto homes to other branches of the Brattesani family

Rovinaglia is a frazione in the commune of Borgo Val di Taro in the province of ParmaItaly. It is located about 6 km away from the town square. Rovinaglia is 892m above sea level

Rovinaglia is known for its porchini mushrooms and they are searched for by the locals. Rovinaglia is also famous for its scenic views from the mountain side and of the local church S. Pietro Apostolo and the fields which are used for agricultureand farming.

Rovinaglia has a climate which is very common amongst Villages with similar altitudes to it, it has typically hot summers, but compared to the town, is very cool at night, whilst in the winter the temperatures are very low and it usually receives over 2 m of snow at once.

 Enzo’s father was Gabriele Brattesani and like his forefathers before him was also born  in Rovinaglia on 23rd March 1929. Four Generations
Giuseppe Brattesani, there were so many of the family with this name
Gabriele Brattesani was born 1871. He died prematurely at the age of 29 years in 1903 in Rovinaglia.

 Around the year 1875 in Rovinaglia there were many Brattesani Clan family members, some of whom we know were born in the area and who had left for other shores, Scotland, England, France  and America.  Trying to establish a link between Gabriele and these other members is what we are now trying to do. – so if anyone can help please feel free to get in touch with Helen

Enzo’s grandfather’s home in the countryside Rovinaglia.  This is the wee house as it stands today
Enzo’s family, mum, dad, Enzo and sibling
Enzo and Roberto
The wee Village
very mighty mushrooms indeed from Parms

Enzo married Angela Biacchi 30 years ago.

For the last 30 years  Angela  has ran this very famous Coffee House in Parma.  She still wood-roasts the Coffee as it was done 60 years ago and is so very passionate about her product as you can see from the photographs below.
TORREFAZIONE El Mejor Cafe – Cafeteria – if you visit Parma you must visit this as it is the most famous coffee house in the City.
The wee Cafe’.  Enzo’s lovely wife Angela Biacchi runs the coffee shop with so much love and passion
The Big Coffee in the Wee Cafe’
So much coffee
The lovely shop

 Looking now to establish links between Enzo’s line and the other Brattesani lines who emigrated from the area to Scotland, England, France, USA and even Mexico.  A few of the sons of the family are listed below.   If anyone can help to link up these then please feel free to contact Helen.  We now know that the Brattesani family are all related, just like the Quilietti family, from one person. And from the Crest above the line originated in Florence with a Pelligrino Brattesani.   Here are a few of the lines we know of and I am sure there are many more we have still to find and link in with their brothers and cousins. 

Gabriele Brattesani was born in 1871.  So below I will list the names of the Generation before this circa 1840.  Lets see if we can establish who belongs to who from here

  • GIUSEPPE BRATTESANI BORN 1841 – married Lugia Coffrini.  Children born Parma, Paris and Edinburgh.  This line is Helen’s.  Settled mostly in Edinburgh.  Connected surnames, Quilietti, Giulianotti, Demarco, Fusco and Costella.
  • DAVID BRATTESANI BORN 1842. – married Anna Maria Coffrini.  This line also settled in and around Edinburgh and other parts of Scotland. But at least one left for New York and Florida.  Connected surnames Gasparini, Moreno, Hill, Giaccopazzi , Dora and Becci
  • ANGELO BRATTESANI BORN c1843 – married Maria Delgrosso.  This line settled in  Grangemouth and Falkirk in Scotland and also  Paris.  Connected surnames Spagnoli, Cerignen and Clergeot and Ewan.
  • LORENZO BRATTESANI BORN c 1844 – married Christine Delonge.  This line emigrated and settled in the Buffalo in the New York State, although some may have been in England for a while beforehand.  Connected surnames Dardanea, Fraser and Pesce.
  • ANTONIO BRATTESANI BORN c1845  – married Lugia Costella.  Their children settled in Scotland mainly in Leslie in Fife and also in New York   Connected surnames Speroni,  Musetti, Germi, Lansarotti and Tagliavini. This line owners of the famous Fish Bar in Anstruther and now in Edinburgh.
  • GIULIO BRATTESANI born c 1850 – Married Maria Domenica Ferrari.  Family settled in England and in Arbroath, Dundee and Aberdeen  Scotland   Connected surnames Cura, Cardinale  and Lanzarotti, Zanrae and Dora
  • MARIA BRATTESANI born c 1860 – married Roberto Cura.  The family settled in Arbroath, Dundee  and Aberdeen in Scotland where they still live today.
Enzo with Scottish cousins Norman and and Jean Brattesani in August 2016. Norman died shortly after this.
Enzo in Uniform

4 Responses to “BRATTESANI Enzo 1955”


    Thanks Helen’s beautiful website … thank you so much !!!!


    I was born and raised in Rovinaglia BORGOTARO …

  3. Brsttesani Enzo says:

    My wife’s name is Angela Biacchi and the owner ‘for over 30 yearscoffee ‘still is wood roasted like 60 years ago.

  4. Helen says:

    Oh thanks for the update. Wasn’t sure what her name was Enzo. will sort this out. Thanks again

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