The Quilietti Family

The story of a Scots Italian family

STANTON Norman Wilkie 1905-1965

Youngest Norman had been searching the internet this [2016] year after the sad deaths of both his parents for clues to his Scottish heritage.   He stumbled across our family website.  Fantastic news for us as this means we have  found another branch of the tree and another Canadian branch. So I will now dedicate this  page  in honour of Norman’s parents Thomas Wilkie and Barbara Keay.  If you knew them and would wish to contribute to this page please feel free to get in touch.

Norman Wilkie has lived the majority of his life in Canada after immigrating with his parents in the 1960s.  At this time there was a great exodus of Scots being offered a more relaxed immigration Policy at that time.

  • Norman’s parents emigrated from Edinburgh in Scotland to Mississauga, Ontario, when he  was just turning four.  Norman’s  dad knew somebody on the ‘council’ and this friend put his name forward for to move to a new council scheme which was being built in Edinburgh at the time.  The scheme was called Dumiedykes and the street called Viewcraig Gardens.  The scheme remains intact today and overlooks Arthur Seat, an extinct Volcano.  It is a beautiful setting, not far from the Palace of Holyrood in central Edinburgh. And it must be said in her favour that there are not so many housing schemes could match the splendour of  her majestic views.
View from the Volcano ‘Arthur Seat’ peeping down on Dumiekykes and overlooking the beautiful City of Edinburgh.
Dumiedykes today – not as pretty as Arthur Seat

 But unfortunately the occupants of the scheme at the time were not so nice.  The story that Norman’s dad tells him was that one evening when he came in from work there were a few boys on the stairs of the tenement.  When his dad said ” Hello Boys” they told him to …F…off.   Norman’s dad went home and let his wife know of the incident.  They then decide that they weren’t going to raise their son in this environment.

  • Fortune had it that there were other of his Stanton cousins who had already emigrated to Canada some years earlier. Her name was  Mary Whelahan Stanton Willis and Norman tells us that it was she who helped look after Norman on his arrival in the country.  
  • Norman’s grandmother Rosina Dawson Stanton emigrated a few years later, and I presume that this was after the death of her husband which was in 1965.  They had lived in Peffermill, Edinburgh. It would have made perfect sense for Rosina to emigrate to be with her children. 
  • The place they chose to go was called Mississauga, Canada
  • Location of Mississauga  in Canada
    Walter Michael  Stanton was the great grandad of Norman Wilkie.   Walter married Jessica Anderson and they had two daughters Rosina Dawson Stanton and Maria Whelahan Stanton.   This wonderful portrait shows the whole family.   Walter has a ‘Stanton’ look about him with his sharp features.   

    From across the World we have received this photograph from Norman of a Football Medal which was presented to Walter Michael Stanton.  It is true to say that football skills were handed down from his father Andrew to Walter.  Would anyone have a clue about this Medal.

    Gold Football Medal
    Gold Football Medal

    Such a fantastic find.


    One Response to “STANTON Norman Wilkie 1905-1965”

    1. Sheila Sinclair Triggs says:

      Lovely story of my cousin Norman, my Uncle Tom and auntie Barbara. We arrived in Canada in 1967 May and slowly the rest of our family followed. Norman was at least a few years after that. Auntie Sadie(Mary Whelahan Willis youngest came next followed almost right away by my granny Mary. The Stanton/Willis sisters were very close and it was inevitable that once my mom was here the rest of her unusually small family ( compared to the rest of the Stanton’s) would follow. My gran Mary passed in 1984 and auntie Rosie (Rosina) a few years after that. What a shock when we lost my Uncle Tom (Norman’s dad)from a sudden heart attack and then his wife auntie Barbara very soon after. Norman get in touch with me I have a full tree on the family that I can share with you. I’d never seen that medal of great grandad Stanton before. I wonder do you have your granny’s photo albums? I’ve picked through all of auntie Sadie’s and those are mostly posted here and on my tree. I’d love to hear from you send me an email
      Lots of love

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