The Quilietti Family

The story of a Scots Italian family

MURRAY Duncan Quilietti 1915-1974

  • Children of Duncan and Betty are [need help here]
  • DUNCAN MURRAY born 7th September 1939. Duncan married Irene Catherine [Ross] on 15th July 1958 in the Old Kirk of Edinburgh in Pilton, Edinburgh. They had six children. Duncan. Yvonne. Forbes. Stewart. Michael. and Keith. The couple enjoyed a long marriage. Catherine passed away on 23rd September 2020 and Duncan on 15th April 2021. Thanking Ashley Hamilton who is the daughter of Yvonne Murray for updating me on these sad bereavements.
  • GEORGE CAMPBELL MURRAY born 12 July 1940. He married Helen Scott Parsons – four children, Helen, George, Jane and Craig.
  • ALEXANDER MURRAY born 6th May 1942. Alex was married on 5th March 1960 at the Canongate Church, Royal Mile, Edinburgh.  His occupation at this time was given as latex worker and his address as 167 Telford Road.  His bride was Millicent Lees Fairbairn who was from the Craigmillar side of the city.   They had two children MARK ALEXANDER MURRAY born 13th January 1967 and Debbie Lee Murray born 10 September 1962.
  • ROBERT MURRAY born 4th June 1943. Robert was married to Emily Burt.
  • STUART MURRAY to be confirmed May be Duncan’s son
  • MICHAEL MURRAY to be confirmed May be Duncan’s son.
  • YVONNE MURRAY to be confirmed. May be Duncan’s daughter
  1.  DUNCAN was born on 11th September 1939 at Simpson’s Maternity Hospital in Edinburgh.  He died tragically in 1974
Son George at the right with wife Helen and son Craig on his wedding day

6 Responses to “MURRAY Duncan Quilietti 1915-1974”

  1. Helen Murray says:

    I’m Helen Wallace (Murray), my father is George Campbell Murray, my grandfather was Duncan Quilietti (Murray). I’m so glad I found this as I never knew my great grandfather and great grandmothers name’s! I only knew sketchy details of my grandfathers story but so glad to now have all the proper information.
    Thank you so much.

  2. Helen Wallace (Murray) says:


    My name is Helen Wallace (Murray), my father is George Campbell Murray pictured above and my grandfather was Duncan Murray (Quilietti). I only knew scattered information about my grandfathers past, it is so nice to finaly have the names of my paternal great grandfather and great grandmother. Thank you for this web page as it’s opened up a whole new part of my family tree that I knew little about.

  3. Angela mackenzie says:

    Duncan murray senior 1939 did not marry sharon hunter that was his son duncan murray who would be about 51

  4. Helen says:

    Thanks Angela. I have tried to sort out all the Duncan’s and am very much obliged for the help you have sent. Could you help me sort out this side of the family. will get you directly to my home address. thanks again Helen

  5. Ashley Hamilton (Murray) says:

    Just to let you know My Grandfather Duncan Murray born 11 September 1939 has passed away. He suffered a battle with cancer and passed on the 15th April 2021.

    A little information about my Grandfather as I see there are some missing links

    Duncan was Married to Irene (Catherine) on 15/07/1958
    The old Kirk of Edinburgh, in pilton

    Irene passed away on 23/09/2020

    Their kids are:
    Duncan Murray
    Yvonne Murray
    Forbes Murray
    Stewart Murray
    Michael Murray
    Keith Murray

    I am Yvonne Murray’s daughter

  6. Helen says:

    I will e.mail you Ashley. Thank you and condolences on the news of Duncan Murray. You are correct I have no information on your side and would be so happy to be back in touch

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