The Quilietti Family

The story of a Scots Italian family

Angela’s lost photos 6

More photos here of our lost families sponsored again by Angela Giulianotti.

This photograph can only be a photograph of  Giuseppe Brattisani,

Is this Joe Brattisani, the Godfather of the family in Scotland

just recently identified in a photograph on the previous pages.

Joe and Lucia

What do you think

The second photo is of two unknown men taken in Aberdeen. Now identified. The gent on the left was Giulio Giulianotti.

Two brothers 

The photo was taken at the John Hardie Photographic Studio of 148a King Street, Aberdeen.

This next lady is undoubtably one of the Coffrini/Brattisani ladies.   We now know their distinct features.

Unknown Brattisani lady

Our next photograph was taken in 1926 and has the words To Rosie from Marie with love 1926.

 Mary Brattisani Fusco who married John Fusco and who lived in Portobello Bath Street for many years with their 13 children.Thanks

Our next lost Giulianotti is of a gentleman. Taken again in the studios at 1454 King Street, Aberdeen, looking very posh with his walking stick.

Unknown Gentleman

But who is he

This next lady is very beautiful isn’t she.

 Cissie, but who was she? Was she the Elizabeth Valentina Fusco, known as Cissie. She certainly looks beautiful enough to be so.

On the back of the photograph dated 191….is written to Aunt Rosia from Cissy wish you all the complements of the Season…Christmas  1911…

The next photo is now identified as Carmine Demarco

Carmine Demarco

Next, this lady has familiar features

Unknown Giulianotti or unknown Brattisani. She has a very distinguished look

unknown lady who are you?

Two peas in a pod coming up, mother and daughter perhaps

Unknown relations

Maybe granny and grandaughter, any clues

This family of three lived in Edinburgh.  The photograph was taken at Alex Robertson, Photographers, Piershill Square, Edinburgh.  Piershill is just a short journey from Portobello so we must assume that these folks

Mystery family. Number on back of photo is 737839

are related in some way to our Fusco or Demarco families who lived there. However there was also an Army Barracks situated in Piershill at that time.   So we may well be way off the beaten track

Portobello Beach may be the place this next photo was taken

Paddling at Porty

This was the Fusco family have a paddling session down at Porty Beach

The last photo on this page is an unknown girl taken in Italy.  The Words Tormato Margherita appear on the front.

On the back appears in writing the words G Calasterie.

Unknown Italian girl


One Response to “Angela’s lost photos 6”

  1. charles giulianotti says:

    the man with features is old joe birnie pretty sure look in colpi book to confirm

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