The Quilietti Family

The story of a Scots Italian family


Sant Elia Fiumerapido

Sant-Elia Fiumerapido

The origins of the Arpino family are from this town.  But we must also ask ourselves that before the family settled here were they originally from Arpino nearby.

Sant -Elia lies near Piciniso. Â Also nearby is the village of Arpino


beautiful Arpino


The Arpino family moved over to Britain in the early 1850s and can be found in various locations in England, Bristol, Manchester as well as London .  Benedetto Arpino and his wife Cascerine can be identified below age 65 living at 41 Neville Street in Ulverston in  Lancaster.  This looks like our  Benedetto Arpino was born about 1832, in Italy, the child of Raffaelo and Mariarosa Lanni. He married Benedetta Cascarina in 1868. They had seven children during their marriage. He died on June 19, 1913, having lived a long life of 81 years.Benedetta Cascarina was born about 1832, in Italy to Fortunato Cascarino, age 22.

Lancashire census

The Arpino family were at first associated with organ grinders and travelling musicians and eventually progressing into the catering, ice cream and fish and chip professions in the U.K.

In the 1850s a large portion of the small village were descendents of a Sicilian family by the name of D’Agostino.’EliaFiumerapidoBirths.htm’EliaFiumerapidoMarriages.htm’EliaFiumerapidoDeaths2.htm

Four Arpinos were married into D’Agostinos when Francesca D’Agostini married Antonio Arpino.   The name of our link with the Arpino family is Francesca so although these are not her parents we wonder if there is a close connection that we have still to unravel.








  1. Sherri Webber says:

    Hello, I am descended from the ARPINO family of Sant’Elia Fiumerapido. My great grandfather was Marino Arpino, his brother was Benedetto and their parents were Tommaso ARPINO and Francesca CLEMENTE. Do you have any information I may find useful in tracing my family please?

  2. Helen says:

    Many of the Arpino family like so many others at the time spread themselves to every corner of the globe. You must let me know where you live and your details. You may e.mail me direct please

  3. Sherri Webber says:

    Hi Helen, I am in Bristol. Marino Arpino was my GGrandfather and he lived in the area in the centre of Bristol know as Little Italy when he first came to England.

    Marino was born in 1862, Sant’ elia Fiumerapido, Frosinone. He married Michela Viola in 1884, Sant’ elia Fiumerapido. I have not checked for any records after. He then came to Bristol and had many children with Charlotte Parsons and then married her in the 1920’s. My Grandfather was from his second marriage. He, Domenico Arpino, was born in 1916.

    I do not know much more other than that Tommaso Arpino was the name of Marino’s father and I believe his father was Francesco. I haven’t even seen a photo of Marino.

    Please feel free to email me at

    Many many thanks

  4. Helen says:

    Hello Sherri and thanks for getting in touch with me. I have been doing a wee search on your branch of the family. If I find anything for you I will get back in touch with direct via your e.mail address.

  5. Jacki says:

    My great grandfather was Oreste Gallozzi, born in about 1870 & lived in Sant’ elia Fiumerapido. I would love more information about him if anyone has any. I would also love more information about his relatives if any. He had a friend named Vincenzo Ricozzi & that is all I know.


  6. Helen says:

    Hello Jacki and thanks for leaving a comment. This website has been so good at finding lost folks so I have posted your comment. Lets see what happens Helen

  7. Arpino says:

    Bonjour je suis Maria Arpino né en 1946 a l’oliveta fille de Arpino Alexandre et ma grand mére fionda pascarosa je suis en france depuis 1958 je cherche des lien

  8. Carla Lazio says:

    Hello can I post your pictures? (with backlink of course 🙂

  9. Helen says:

    Would be honoured to receive these. Can you send them to please and I can insert them from there.

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