IRISH lines through Morrisons
Crawford, McGee – Connolly- Murphy- Murray – McDonald and more

MURPHY connections from County Monaghan

County Monaghan is a county in Ireland. It is part of the Border Region and is in the province of Ulster. It is named after the town of Monaghan. Of course when our Hugh Murphy and Catherine McDonald lived there Ireland was a whole country and not divided as it is today. County Monaghan is one of the three counties, along with Cavan and Donegal, that is in the province of Ulster and is part of the Republic of Ireland. Monaghan is the sixth smallest of the 32 counties of Ireland. Monaghan is famed for its ancient Irish craft of lace-making, more commonly known as Carrickmacross Lace. In Monaghan it is documented that Mrs. Murphy from Sheskin in the County was the first person to identify the fungus in 1845.

Hugh Murphy [1823-1876] was the son of Hugh Murphy c1790 and Catherine McDonald [c1790]. My fourth great grandparents Like so many other of his fellow Irishmen and Irishwomen who left at the time of the Great Famine, Hugh found himself in Edinburgh and living in one of the closes off the High Street of which there were many and living conditions were horrendous. A ghetto indeed after the well-to-do who used to live here were now over the other side of the City in the New Town. The community overspilled into the Cowgate area, which was overseen by the mighty St. Patrick’s Church which still stands today. The Grassmarket was made up mostly of Irish immigrants with a few Catholic Italians thrown in to spice things up a bit.

An etching of how conditions would have been in the early 1800s in the Cowgate

3rd Great Grandparents HUGH MURPHY and ANN McGEE
So by the year 1851 the Scottish Census tells us that Hugh Murphy was residing in an address in Carrubers Close, which was off the High Street in the Old Town. His age fluctuates with the documentation and is recorded as 25. With him his wife and eldest daughter Mary who was born in Edinburgh in 1850. Hugh was residing with another Irish family who managed a Lodging House here. The Head of the Family was Biddy Flanagin. Hugh’s occupation was given as a Costermonger. Strange but it is the old name for a street seller, sometimes of fruit and vegetables or perhaps Fish. All the local markets were around the City at this time. We would call them ‘Hawkers’ today.
By 1861 he and his wife Ann McGee [McGhie] 1830-1904 had moved to Stevenlaw’s Close, 136 The High Street. This close connects the High Street to the Cowgate. Ann was also a native of Monaghan. They had married there on 16th August 1848 before moving to Scotland. They had five children with them in this small dwelling. Hugh was now working as a plasterer’s labourer. Life in a big City would have been so very different from the green fields they enjoyed in Monaghan.
By 1871 The family were still residing at 12 Stevenlaw’s Close. Hugh still a plasterer’s labourer. Four children with them, two working as message boys and girls and two at school. This is the last census with Hugh as he died in 1876. Anne McGee re-married to James Adams who was described as a cattleman and a Dairy Farmer. but the family hit hard times and she died in Colinton Poor House in 1904. with James described as a lavatory assistant – still researching this line.

Ann’s McGhie or McGee’s second marriage to James Adams was flawed with inaccuracies from start to finish. From their ages to previous spouses. So I will leave out of this page until more research is completed.
TERENCE McGEE was William Terence McGee, Pigdealer. We have found his resting place in St. Patrick’s Oram Cemetery in Castleblaney, Monaghan, Ireland.

St. Patrick’s Oram in Castleblaney. You can see the location here marked with the cross and the area where WILLIAM TERENCE McGEE was buried

The Murphy line

- Mary Murphy. 1850-1853. Mary was born in Edinburgh on 6th April 1850 and baptised in St. Mary’s RC Cathedral, which was and still is in Greenside in Edinburgh. She married Henry Murray 1845-1899 on 30 December 1870 in St. Pat’s RC Chapel in the Cowgate. Henry was a master Taylor. Henry’s family were from County Antrim, – see section below re Murray family.
- Annie Murphy [1854-1907] MY DIRECT LINE. Annie married William Clery Crawford [1854-1894]. They had eight Children of whom Edward Crawford was my direct line. See dedicated page
- Catherine Murphy 1844-1926. Catherine was born at 3 Bell’s Wynd, off the High Street in Edinburgh on 8th May 1855. She was the fourth child of her mother Ann McGee and the third of her father Hugh Murphy. The Birth Certificate also states that Hugh was 32 and that Ann was 26. Catherine married James Conboy at St. Mary’s R.C. Cathedral on 20th December 1877. The Conboy family were from County Rosscommon and whilst researching there are many families still living there with this surname. In 1881 the couple were residing at an address at the Back of Guthrie Street in Edinburgh. That is how it was described. With them their son James. Ten year later in 1891 now residing at 12 Robertson’s Close with four children. They did have at least 7 children.
- HUGH MURPHY 1857-1890. He was born on 23 August 1857 at 3 Bell’s Wynd which was a street leading from the High Street to Tron Square. By the age of 12 he was out hawking pipes through the streets of auld Edinburgh. Can’t find Hugh in the 1881 census. He never married. Hugh Junior died of alcolohism in 1890 in the Royal Infirmary Edinburgh. His occupation given as an Artist’s Model on his death. And residence 223 Cowgate.
- ROSIE MURPHY 1859- . Rosie was born on 4th November 1859 in the Cowgate and recorded in St. Mary’s Cathedral Registrars where she was baptised shortly thereafter. Still have to trace what happened to Rosie.
- FRANCIS MURPHY 1862. Francis was born on 8th February 1862. No further information
- MARGARET MURPHY 1864. Margaret was born in Stevenlaw’s Close in 1864. She was around in the 1871 census at the same address. The only other information we have to hand is that she may have worked as a Domestic Servant in Kent as documented in the English Census for 1901.
- SARAH MURPHY 1866-1867. Sarah died of Croup age only 8 months
- ALICE MURPHY 1869-1895 She was born on 8th March 1869. Her death is recorded in the Scottish Archives as happening in 1895.
The Murray line
THE MURPHY/MURRAY connections – from County Antrim, Northern Ireland.

HENRY MURRAY was born c 1760. Henry married JANE GRIFFIN 1776-1839 in Antrim. Their son Daniel was born in Antrim in 1799. For work the family moved Scotland and then to Edinburgh where Henry found work as a Hand Loom Weaver. Henry died before he could witness his son Daniel marry in Edinburgh in 1839.
DANIEL MURRAY 1799-1870 married Roseann O’Neill 1808-1872 in St. Mary’s R.C. Cathedral in Edinburgh on 4th March 1839.

Roseana was a Widow whose first husband, John Clifford, had died in 1834. She had two children William and Margaret Clifford. She was born in Glasgow in 1808.
The 1841 Scottish Census finds the family living at 36 West Port which is situated at the far end of the Grassmarket to the West of the City. With Daniel age 40, born Ireland, shoemaker and Rosa age 30, born in Paisley, Glasgow, was James Murray age 19, born Ireland and described as an Apprentice Shoe Maker. There was also a baby Agnes age 3 months.
The 1851 Scottish Census finds the family living in a dwelling at 165 Cowgate and Daniel is described as an Old Clothes Dealer. With them are 5 children, and an older nephew James who was 12. There was also a house-servant who was 17.
By 1861 the family had moved to 22 Horse Wynd and Daniel was now describing his occupation as a Traveller age 60, With him wife Roseanna age 56 and children Agnes age 20, Daniel age 14 and Elizabeth age 12. Daniel was an apprentice upholsterer. The women had no occupations written down on this census.

Children of Daniel Murray and Roseann O’Neill
- JANE MURRAY 1837-1840
- CHARLES MURRAY 1839-1840
- AGNES MURRAY 1840-1866. She married James Weir in 1863 in Lady Glenorchy Church, Greenside. Unfortunately died three years later of Tuberculosis
- SARAH MURRAY 1843-1929. Married in 1870 in St. Pat’s Chapel in the Cowgate. Husband JAMES HUGHES 1841-1915. By 1891 James was a Blacksmith and the family dwelling was at 5 Guthrie Street. 1901 tells us that James was still a blacksmith and Sarah was running a grocery shop at 21 Guthrie Street. They had five children – still to research this line. By the date of Sarah’s death in 1929 she was living at Grange Road which is quite upmarket compared to the dwellings of the past.