The Quilietti Family

The story of a Scots Italian family

MORRISON Angus 1807-1883

Angus Morrison was my third great grandfather. He married Marion Mackay on December 2nd 1825 in Midtown, Tongue. They in turn had nine sons and three daughters, not all surviving to adulthood. Angus’s parents were John Morrison and Catherine McKenzie and John is documented as being born in Balnakeil, Durness.

The line going back to John Morrison and Catherine McKenzie
The line beyond John Morrison and Catherine McKenzie
Balnakeil Church is believed to have been built by Donald Mackay of Farr, a man who would later become Lord Reay, in 1619. It would originally have been a single rectangular block, aligned east-west. The north aisle was added in 1692. The gables were extensively rebuilt in the 1720s. The church was in use until 1814, when a new parish church was built on the south side of Durness. The story of Balnakeil Church may actually extend back rather further than the early 1600s. There is a written reference from the early 1200s to a church being located here, which appears to have been built over by the 1619 construction
3rd Great Grandfather Angus’s death showing he was a widower, and a Fisherman, showing his parents as John Morrison and Catherine McKenzie
3rd Great Grandmother Margaret McKay’s death age 70 years in 1875, Midtown, Melness, Tongue, Scotland.
This wonderful document showing Angus Morrison and Marion Mackay’s marriage on December 2nd 1825 in Midtown, Tongue.
This is the 1841 Scottish census showing Angus Morrison age 35, Small Tenant, born in Tongue and his wife Mariana McKay, same age. Address Midtown Tongue.
The second half of the 1841 census with John age 14, James age 12, George age 9, Thomas age 7, Donald age 5, Charles age 3 and Mary age 1.
1851 with all their own children unmarried. Farmer of 2 and a half acres and herring fisherman
1861 still in Midtown
1871 Midtown, Tongue

1881 with his wife Marion Mackay now deceased he is visiting his son Hugh at his wife’s family home in Durness.
Clearly still described as a Farmer of arable land.
The Mackay [McKay] line are also our direct ancestors. And their children also married into the Mackay Clan Hugh Morrison married Barbara Mackay and they resided at Durness where they had their farm and it seems the families shared a common Hill

CHILDREN of Angus Morrison and Marion Mackay


John Morrison was born on October 6th 1826 and baptised six days later in Midtown, Tongue.
in 1851 you can see John Morrison is the fourth line from the top of the page residing at an address 25 Bankhead, Midmar. I have absolutely no further information on John. His occupation here is a Digger and Ditcher – working on the dykes in Sutherland


James like his father Angus worked on the land and also a fisherman


GEORGE’s birth documented in the Church Records in Midtown, Tongue. He is second from the bottom born August 4th 1831 and baptised August 15th. George is my direct line. He joined the military and served with the 85th – 92nd foot soldiers in India. He married Elizabeth Cowie in 1863 – see separate page.

THOMAS MORRISON 1833-1918 and his wife MARGARET GUNN 1838-

Thomas Morrison married Margaret Gunn, daughter of John Gunn and Barbara Mackay. Thomas remained a crofter all his life, although he also worked in the fishing industry with his father and brothers earlier in his life. He worked from Scrabster which was a fishing village nearby.
Thomas and Peggy had a large family and resided in the area called Talmine Schoolhouse in 1871, then in 1881 at an address called the Post Office there.

Talmine Bay today Talmine is a crofting and fishing township, overlooking Talmine Bay, an inlet on the western shore of Tongue Bay[1] in northern SutherlandScottish Highlands and is in the Scottish council area of Highland. The Shamrock, a 19th-century sloop located within the bay, is protected by Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland.[2] She can be seen in the photo to the right, on the beach, underneath/between the stone building and blue car roughly centre image.
The township is located 2 miles from the nearest main road, the A838 and is about 4 miles from Tongue, the nearest decently sized town. It is located directly north of Midtown and Directly South of Midfield and Achininver


An extract from the 1841 above showing Donald age 5. He is not mentioned in the following census so we much assume that he died somewhere in the decade 1841-1851


Charles is also mentioned above here in the 1841 Scottish Census. No further information to date

MARY MORRISON 1840-1897 and ROBERT GUNN 1825-1904

Robert’s birth
The rural North where the Morrisons, Gunns, Mackays and more lived two centuries ago


ANGUS MORRISON 1844-1933 and ANN MUNRO 1847-1928

HUGH MORRISON 1846-1921 and Barbara MacKay 1848-1905

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