The Quilietti Family

The story of a Scots Italian family


With communication from our French cousin Estelle we welcome Joey into the family.

Joey Brattesani

Just love his family tree. Now all I have to do is to unravell  it.  Joey’s line comes from Borgotora.

Joey Brattesani has drawn this fantastic tree

Joey works in California as a Visual Effects genius and has worked on many films.  He Graduated from the Art College in 1989 with a Degree in Advertising and Illustration.  Since then his career has rocketed.   He has been working freelance in Los Angeles and his feature credits include working with top brands including Apple, Burger King, Microsoft, Dominos, Nike, taco Bell and Ninendo.  His feature credits include Transformers [Graphics and EFX], National Treasure 2, Pirates of the Carribean 1 and 2, Hairspray [opening titles and end credits], Dogtown [Matte paintings and EFX and Spiderman 2 EFX.  Additionally Joey has done episodic and series work for Smallville and Band of Brothers.

Joey’s dad is also called Joseph Brattesani. Joseph runs a world class Piano Business in San Francisco

Joseph and Donna Brattesani.  They are Joey’s parents

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