The Quilietti Family

The story of a Scots Italian family

BRATTESANI Domenico 1904-1995

Domenico Brattesani was born on July 18th 1904 in Borgotora.   He was the son of Giuseppe Brattesani and Rosa Teresa Gasparini.  He was my second cousin twice removed…..Helen.  

Before he finally emigrated Domenico had arrived in America before as documented below


Not sure why Domenico landed in this part of America,  but Documents today tell us that Domenico walked from Borgotora before he boarded his ship to Calexico in California

Calexico – a million miles from Borgotora
Travelled on foot
The census 1940 with his Bardini in-laws living in San FrancIsco
Domenico with his ancestors and descendants
Joey – grandson
Joseph – son
Cynthia, grandaughter
Robert or Bobby, grandson

Domenico and Italina had two sons Giovanni born 1930 and  Joseph 1941 in San Francisco.  Note here that in some of the documentation that  the spelling of the surname has changed to Bratisani.  Domenico died on 27th December 1995 in San Francisco.  Their ancestors are still residents in California

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