- Our family is like the branches of a tree
- We may grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one
- Each of us will always be a part of the other


The early deaths of Emilio Quilietti and Valentina Brattessani, his young wife, was what really snapped the branch which connected us to our roots away back then. Some of the branches were loosely connected but through the years our memories faded as the years rolled on. The young Quilietti family would not have known their parents with Emilio dying at the age of 29 and Valentina at the age of 35. With a new step-father who himself remarried and brought up by their maternal aunts and uncles their lives were turned upside down. They all ended up marrying very young and making their own way in life, and eventually losing what ties were left with their Italian past.

Of course family matters in the past decades were not really a great topic of conversation, especially is the memories were vague or tarnished. But the recent resurgence in family roots has helped immensly in re-uniting many families such as ours.

We have since 1992 been re-united Quilietti clan. We have little by little been uncovering our past with all her secrets. We have returned to our forefather’s home in Italy trying to establish a link with the family past.

We have had a lot of re-unions and great fun in re-discovering our cousins, or lost aunts and uncles. It has been fun uncovering some of the dark secrets from the past. It has also been very sad in realising what pain our great-grandmother Valentina’s life was like after the death of her husband.

A family reunion is a great source of joy and excitement. In the world we live in families are often scattered throughout the world. Loved ones may not see or talk to each other for years even if there is only a bus or a plane ride separating them. A family reunion is a time to remember that although you may feel close to your friends or neighbours there is nothing quite like family. These are your blood relations and are closest to you. You share the same memories, the same history, the same ancestors.
We are little by little discovering new branches of our extended tree and of course our unique name lives on with the births of new Quilietti’s in Scotland, keeping our name alive.
Above all we must try and keep our name live on, as we are unique. There is no-one else in the whole world who has our surname as we must be the protector of this no matter what. Of course there will be good and bad in any name and we can have a chuckle when we do an internet search and find some interesting entries. We cannot deny it however, these people belong to us……..they are our family

some of the many links of our Quilietti family are
Then of course we have the many Scottish ties through each of our own inidivual Quilietti family marriages. My own nearest and dearest would be
Then lastly, but not least, we have the Dutch family VAN DRUTEN to whom we owe millions of thanks in helping us re-unite and re-establish our family contacts and for this we will all be eternally thankful and grateful.
Others near and dear to us would be
The surname list is almost endless with many intertwining and intermarrying on the Italian sides in the early days. From our unique surname and our ancestral father Leonardo we have 100s of Quilietti descendants who proudly own the Q. name. Our family tree shows 20000 connected family members and more growing every day.
The site is built to accommodate your own specific family and social history which you can share simultaneously, in a very secure environment, with any number of your family across the web.

Hi Q family,
I am just having a look at your web site and I am impressed with all the good work Helen has put into it.
I wish you good health and I will revisit this site again in the future to see where the Q family joins my Family tree.
Glad you found some time to see the website which is still being worked on……Will need a year’s holiday to input all the info I have lurking around
Buona sera aTutti voi! Mi chiamo Luigi Tagliavini e sono figlio di Luisa Brattesani. Vivo in Italia nella provincia di Parma, precisamente nella citta’ di Borgo Val di Taro. Ho visto il Vostro sito e Ho letto di Valentina Brattesani. Vorrei dire che la citta’ di origine di TUTTI I BRATTESANI non è Varna, ma un piccolo villaggio che si chiama Rovinaglia, vicino a Borgo Val Di Taro nella provincia di Parma. Da Rovinaglia hanno origine tutti i Brattesani e anche Valentina.
io Nonno Attlio Brattesani ha lavorato per tanti anni In Scozia a Glasgow, Edimburgo, Dundee, Abardenn. Abbiamo ancora tanti parenti col cognome di Brattesani in Scozia. Ma tutti i Brattesani arrivano da Rovinaglia, No Varna….saluti Se volete sapere di piu’ scrivete alla mia email luigitagliavini@yahoo.it
I have sent you an e.mail via yahoo. Please let me know if you receive this. I am so pleased that you have taken the time to write to me.
can,t believe I,am on my family history when I found out. There was a quilietti histoy website. I was so proud of my family and my auntie helen who made the website love rozajo quilietti xx
can,t believe there is. A family history when I found out. There was a quilietti history website. I was so proud of my family and my auntie helen who made the website love rozajo quilietti xx
Helen what a fantastic job you have done in our family trees I enjoyed reading it all amazing, brought a few tears to my eyes, lots love Lynnxx
Great site..Hi to all our family..Frazer Cameron Murray..my Grandmother was Antonia married to Alexander Murray ….
Hi there Frazer, would you like to send me a photo
My great great grandfather Dominico Margiotta was married to maria de placido and lived at 90 they lived there from 1896 to 1924
I think for sure that our families crossed passed it is amazing to think! Your website is beautiful and a real honor to all the struggling migrants that left their homes to find a bigger and better life. Congrats to you and keep it going xxx
Regard from Australia
Sorry I ment to say 90 Grassmarket
Thank you so much for taking time to comment. I am really proud of my heritage. We have De Placido relations more recently. My second cousin married into the family. I will have to search for the details and e.mail you directly
My 3rd great grandmother was Marie Angelina Brucciani born 1824, daughter of Giovani Matleo Brucciani, born in 1795 Toscana Italy. Do not know Marie mothers name. Is there a connection to the Donati?? I would be interested in any information on Marie or Giovani.
Hello – I’m a relative in Canada, trying to put together my family history. There was a Sutherland that married into the McCabe family, the name Jimmy has come up, but not sure who he was in the equation… I’m named after Gordon Sutherland, who I understand died at sea in Holland in 1944 or 45. My grandparents were from Leith, and emigrated to Canada in 1919 or 1920. Thanks for all your hard work in putting together this wonderful site..!
Hi I am Helen’s pal (Arthur’s stepdaughter} I came across this I have shown it to Helen and I will print off for her to show Arthur well done with all your good work x
Hi my name is Michael demarco, age 21 and my family moved here to the united states to new York from Sicily. I heard that my family was with the quiletti family, so I thought I would take a look at this. It has been two years since I found out about this. My great grandfather was carmino demarco. I also heard that my family used to have a mansion in new york at one time called the demarco family mansion. I don’t know if that part was true or not but I looked into it and there was a small mansion by that name but it was made a hotel. It looked like it has some small stores on the bottom floor.
The Demarco family certainly had a Mansion in Edinburgh’s Portobello for many years. How good to hear from you Michael. Carmino Demarco is a name well known to us. There are a couple of them directly connected via the Fusco/Brattesani Clan. So if this is the same link, then welcome to the family
What a wonderful website you have!! My grt grt grandparents were married in Sant’Elia, the emigrated to the uk in the late 1800’s. They were called Lorenzo Antonio Risi, and Restituta Felt rude Fusco. I’m sure there is a family link somewhere!
Thanks for the compliment Lisa. The Risi family are well intermingled with the Fuscos. There are several great sites for the descendants of family in Sant’Elia. I would be happy to see your tree and build a dedicated page. Helen
I notice down the right hand side, the list of Brattesani members does not include my grandmother. Giovanna – also known as Johanna, she was the daughter of Giulio and Rosa Lanzarotti. Born in 1901. She was my paternal grandmother.
Helen- What a wonderful accomplishment!
You mentioned how the Arpino, Lannis and Cascarinos
All intertwine in the trees. My grandfather was an Arpino, grandmother a Lanni
And her mothers mother a Cascarino . I have found little information on my great grandfather Pasquale Arpino or my grandmother Lucia Lannis parents Angela Soave or Raimondo Lanni. I know we had relatives in France but little more.
Was wondering if you came across any of my relatives names in your research. Pasquale I would say born about 1860 same for Soave and Raimondo Lanni.
I will continue to research your site.
Thank you for a great piece of history.
Anyone related to the Brucciani here? In any kind of way?
The Quilietti family has a connection to the Brucciani’s from Castelvecchio Pascoli and Barga. Eletta Brucciani being my second great grandmother. Her full name was Maria Giovanna Eletta Maddalena Brucciani born 26 November 1844 in Castelvecchio. Her parents were Giuseppe Brucciani [Giovanni] and Maria Teresa Conti. This was Giuseppe’s second marriage and he was property owning in the village at that time. She would have had many siblings.
Have found this all be in many years later, the pandemic had a lot to answer for. I have had a quick look on my tree and found no Pasquale Arpino amongst my main tree. However leave it with me till I search other trees
Hi all
I’m tracing my Donati heritage and came across this website. My great grandfather was Sabatino Donati, husband of Mary Johnston and father to Eida Togneri Donati, my grandmother.
I was wondering if anyone could tell me how the families tie in?
What an amazing website! Thanking you in advance
Thanks for your work on the website – fantastic!
I wonder if anyone has information about Cattarina Brattesani (possibly born Rovinaglia 04/1807) married to Giovanni Giacopazzi (possibly born Rovinaglia 01/1803). Their daughter Lucia was my Great Grandmother.
Paul Cura.
Hello, What a fantastic website for all the Quiliettis of the world. I was looking to contact you about the old photographs of Greenside and if it was OK to link to your site. Many thanks
Has anyone heard of Hillfoot House off Greenside Lane Edinburgh? Keen to know it’s history. No sign of it anywhere on internet.
THANK you very much for your kind comments. Yes of course that would be great