Tuscany The BARGA Genealogy group
With great thanks to the founders of this group who have helped immensely in the research from Barga and surrounding villages. A great tool indeed with records from the local area for all subscribers to see and a great way to share our heritage.
Don Ruggeri helped us as best he could with his lack of English. Great times were enjoyed in the nearby mountain where he treated us to a lunch halfway up Tinello’s if I remember correctly
Tinello Restaurant
springtime in Barga
aerial view of Barga and her Villages
The wee Church
with Helen Quilietti Stanton
Miracle – a Story from the Group
precious books
the site of the original Quilieti/Brucciani home in Castelvecchio Pascoli with Helen and Ian Quilietti
Barga n the Evening
Pascoli Museum
By Giuseppe Luti
Castelvecchio Pascoli precious books
From Il Ciocchi
a wee bit of tartan drying in the sun