MARIA ALLESSANDRA ROCCHI was MY 4th Great Grandmother. She was born in Castelvecchio Pascoli and married Giuseppe Brucciani.
MARIA ALLESSANDRA ROCCHI was our 4th Great Grandmother. She was born in Castelvecchio Pascoli and married Giuseppe Brucciani.
The Priest of the Church of S. Niccolo’ Castelvecchio was Padre Giuseppe Giovanelli of Barga. Here he is No 1 in the census and below him two others residing in the flat above the Chapel
1779 Census of Castelvecchio. So entries 61-68 are Christofano of Giulio Brucciani. His wife Maria Alexandra Rocchi, Children Iacopo, Nicolao, Giulio, Vincenzo, Pietro Antonio and ….Marion.. ALSO Maria Domenica Brucciani, Mother of Christofano.
The 1799 Castelvecchio census tells us that there were only 350 people living in the village at the time. The old family names are all there and include Brucciani, Pelligrini, Menconi, Bertolini, Brogi, Adami, Lazzarini, Conti, Casci, Nardini, Pieroni and many more.
The village of Castelvecchio Pascoli with the Church of St. Nicoli’. There is a magnificant view from the Church
The same census entries 188-193 shows us Santino Rocchi who is brother of Maria Allesandra. His wife Maria Giovanna Nanni and children Giovanni Domenico, Maria, Giovanni Battista and Mario Giovanna Marchi, mother in law
This is the end page of the 1799 census. Showing 350 folks in the small village. With Father Giuseppe Giovanelli signing it off at the end
Our lovely friend Don Bencivenni.
The names are familiar to us and the Priest was Giuseppe Giovanelli. She had a brother Santino Rocchi who married Maria Giovanna Nanni in Castelvecchio. Their children were Giovanni Domenico Rocchi, Giovanni M…..Rocchi and Giovanna B Rocchi
Taken in 2005 in the Church in Castelvecchio
Today the village has few residents and is still very picturesque
old property in Castelvecchio. Perhaps our ancestors lived here
1800 census
Santino Rocchi 1803 Castelvecchio Census with his wife Maria Giovanna Nanni
Birth of Giuseppe Maria Brucciani, son of Cristofano and Maria Domenica Rocchi November 1792
Marriage of Giuseppe Brucciani and Maria Teresa Conti
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