Brucciani/Rocchi connection

Our branches of the Brucciani Rocchi family we can trace back to the old Church in Castelvecchio Pascoli where they are documented in the census information from the 1750’s onwards

Giuseppe Brucciani was a master craftsman in the art of marble, described as a figurista and property owning of the Castelvecchio comune. He had been married before and was a widower when on 14th February 1836 in the little church of S. Niccolo’ in Castelvecchio Pascoli he married Maria Teresa Conti. Both of these families had lived in the region since the church was newly built circa 1650.
Giuseppe’s father was Cristofano Brucciani and his mum was Maria Alessandra Rocchi. They had many children and documented below are the children I have traced to date
After their marriage the children came along, Giuliano Cristofano Luigi Enrico was the eldest born on 14th June 1840. Then came Maria Anna Fortunata Allessandra bon on 15th Apri 1842
Our Eletta came next on 26 November 1844.
Amelia Teresa came next born in 1845. She married into the Dante family and emigrated to Rhode Island.
There was also Pietro Brucciani who was born also in the year 1945. Perhaps they were twins. He married Teresa Brucciani, another cousin.
Allessio Ferninando Fedele was born on 21st August 1846. He married Maria Teresa Conti. Fedele and Maria also travelled to the USA but he died in Italy.
Maria Domenica Clementina Elisabetta Brucciani was born on 7th May 1849. She married another master marble worker by the name of Pietro Donati. Â This family came to Scotland. The Quilietti brothers came with them and this is our heritage. Emilio and Augusto Quilietti were also training in the craft and Augusto worked for many years with his uncles Pietro and Cesare Donati in Edinburgh before he entered the restaurant trade.
Domenico Rocchi ‘s census information shows us that he lived in the village then. He had at least two children Santino and Maria Allessandra. Maria is our direct line.
It was Maria who married Christofano Brucciani in the same old Church on the hill. They had several children of whom Giuseppi is our line. We find them all in the 1798 census as Family 14.
There was Niccolao Brucciani
Luigi Brucciani
Vincenzo Brucciani
Pietro Brucciani
Maria S……Brucciani
Maria’s brother Santino married Maria Giovanna Nanni and they had three children Giovanni Domenico, Giovanna Maria and Giovanna Isabella Rocchi.
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