The Quilietti Family

The story of a Scots Italian family

STANTON Michael 1937-2006

Mick Stanton was born on 21 June 1937 at 1 St. John’s Street, Canongate, Edinburgh.   He was the eldest of the Stanton family, then came Jimmy, Peter, Denis and Davie.  Mick lived and breathed for two things, his family and his fitbaw!

This photograph was sent to their dad Peter Stanton during the War where he was serving in Burma.

Peter senior with David, Kathy and Denis

1974 Scarborough with Kathy and Mick, daughter Angela and Helen Quilietti Stanton.

At Scarborough 1974, Mick, Denis, Helen, Angie and her wee pal

The Stanton brothers and Jack

Mick coached this winning team of Edina Hibs. Two other faces in the team that we recognise are Mark Stanton and Darren Quilietti

Brilliant photograph taken at family wedding, the Stantons and Sutherlands altogether. Great photo from 1982


Mick Stanton liked to have a wee sing song

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