STANTON Philip Solomon physic to the Stars
An interesting turn in the genealogy of the Staunton/Stantons from County Mayo has recently came to light. Please excuse the pun.
We have had correspondence from Philip Solomon.
Philip wrote;
My great, great, great grandparents were Henry and Mary Stanton who both left Mayo about 1853-ish, to come and live in England in a town called Willenhall. It is part of a place called The Black Country in old Staffordshire, now called the West Midlands. It was a very tough area but many Irish people settled in the town.
Willenhall has a population of about 40,000 today but 150 years ago this was quite a different story.
There were many Irish immigrants in 1853 as this was the time of the great potato famine when starvation touched so many families and sent them elsewhere. The town lies in Staffordshire in the centre of the Midlands and the Irish would have made their way from the West of England and Wales.
Philip’s radio show every Mon, 8-10pm. WCR 101.8 FM, Wolverhampton’s Own Radio Station, or Some of Philip’s guests have included: Steve Bull, Chas & Dave, Donny Burns, Ron Atkinson, Paul Jones, Rustie Lee, Paul Carrick, Don Powell, Dave Berry, Marty Wilde, Derek Acorah, Sonny West, Alexandra Holzer, Noddy Holder, Geno Washington, Madeline Bell, Paul Young, Alvin Stardust, Uri Geller, Gary Bushell, Freddie Starr, Russell Grant, Jaki Graham, Bev Bevan, Sue Ricketts, P J Proby, Mickey Rooney, Deana Martin, Colin Blunstone, Les McKeown, The Cheeky Girls, Toyah Wilcox, Lisa Goddard, Neil Morrisey, Hazel O’Connor, Ben E. King, Searchers, Drifters, Dave Davies, Leo Sayer …
Many of my ancestors have been good footballers and boxers. I just came across your site by accident really and found it very interesting to read. I had an Irish Ancestry expert on my show some months ago who seemed to think the name would have originally been Staunton. The Henry Stanton I am descended from was born about 1825 in Mayo, Ireland.
There is documented the following from the County Mayo archives and it appertains to a particular branch of the family from Islandeady in County Mayo. We must remember that Henry was not a common forename and that although children would hand it down to their descendants that we must assume that there must be some connection for Philip.
Pedigree of Peter [abt 1815] & Henry STAUNTON [abt 1836 –1926] of Islandeady parish, Mayo:
- 1 Peter STAUNTON—
- Children: Henry (~1836-1926)
- 1″1 Henry STAUNTON
- Birth: abt 1836, Ireland
- Death: 1 Feb 1926, Ireland Castlebar Mayo
- Occ: Farmer
- Died aged 90″
- Crimlin Parish Church Castlebar, Mayo
- 12th February 1868 Henry Staunton of full age bachelor and a farmer of Derrycreve father Peter Stanton a farmer to Anne Moran of full age a spinster of Ross West father John a farmer, generally herrings” Supper – Potatoes and milk or butter is always taken, except by families in better circumstances, who use tea and flour bread” Page 62 Land and Popular Politics in Ireland by Donald E” Jordan, Jr”
- CENSUS OF IRELAND House and Building Return County MAYO Parliamentary Division WEST MAYO Poor Law Union WESTPORT District Electoral Division ISLANEADY Townland DERRYCRIEVE Built Private Dwelling 5 Out offices and Farm Building Inhabited Wall of Brick or Stone Roof Thatch Wood or other Perishable 2,3 or 4 rooms 3 windows class of house 2nd No of families 1 Name of Head Henry Staunton No of rooms occupied 3 number of persons in family 4 Date form collected in 30th April 1901 number of people sick in house on 31st March 1901 Name of landholder Henry Staunton.OBITUARY On Monday February 1st, there passed peacefully away to his eternal reward in the bosum of his creator one of the most prominent and charming figures in his native district of Islaneady, the late Mr Harry Staunton, at the advanced aged of 91 years He was a real type of Irish manhood. His loveable, sincere and generous disposition won for him the hearts of all with whom he came in contact. As were the people of his time, he was strictly upright in all his dealing, as well as kind and sympathetic to the needy and distressed. Physically he was endowed with a constitution which was adamant. During life he never complained of the least illness: he did not know what drugs or medicine meant, and gave their merits no attention. It was a perfect treat to spend an evening with him, and listen to his account of what landlordism was like in his early years. He would also draw harrowing pictures of black 47. Till the last he was able to go about as nimble as a man of 60. He had a special delight in going about viewing the fields on his farm. He found great pleasure also in visiting his neighbours. His death was accelerated by a chill which he contracted while returning home from a visit to a neighbour. He enjoyed Gaelic song and story and in these felt as much at home with the young as with the aged. All who knew him cherished his society – nothing was heard on the day of his funeral but sincere regret that such an enjoyable figure: even at his advanced age, had passed from amongst the people. His wife the late Mrs Annie Staunton pre-deceased him by seven years. He was an ardent Catholic and attended to his religious duties to the last. His parish priest Rev Paul Mcloughlin was a frequent visitor to his home and administered the Last Sacraments on the day preceding his desmise. At 4pm on Tuesday 2nd inst his remains were carried from his native home in Derrycreeve where he saw the light, and laid on a catafalque before the high alter in Islaneady Parish Church. The remains were escorted to the church by a great concourse of sympathisers. After Requiem Mass on Wednesday 3rd inst, the funeral left for the old family burial ground of Islaneady and was one of the largest witnessed for years in the district. The parishes of Castlebar, Kilmeena, Newport, Ballyheane, Park, Kilawalla were, with Islaneady, represented in the long funeral cortege. The chief mourners were: Messrs PE Staunton, Bohess, Islaneady: Henry Staunton Derrycreeve, do and M A Staunton, Shriveport, Louis, USA sons; Mrs Bridget Staunton Park Turlough daughter; Mrs P E Staunton, Mrs Henry Staunton, Mrs M A Staunton daughters in law; Messrs Emmet, George, Henry, Pat Staunton, Bohess; John, James, Willie, Tom, Henry, Peter and Patrick Staunton, Park grandsons; Misses Mary, Kate, Annie and Teresa Staunton, Bohess; Annie and Mary Staunton Derrycreeve; Annie, Norah, and Mary Staunton, Park grand daughters; Misses Ginnelly and Moran, Derrintlowry nieces; Mr john Moran, Sion Hill, Castlebar brother in law; Mrs John Moran Sion Hill, and Mrs Michael Moran Mountgorden sister in law; Messrs Thomas, Michael, William, and Pat Staunton, Kilawall, and Mr John Moran auctioneer, Crossmolina cousins Life was hard at the time of course and a typical daily food intake would be”Breakfast – Potatoes and milk or butter, followed by tea and flour bread if taken” Dinner – Consists of potatoes, with eggs or fish
- Photo Courtesy: Philip Solomon. Philip Solomon and Russell Brand investigating the Rosslyn Chapel, Edinburgh, Scotland.
When did you get into broadcasting as your show on Wolverhampton City Radio, WCR 101.8 FM is always filled with great music and guests from all walks of life. Tell me about some of your guests you’ve had on like Mickey Rooney, Mike Winters, Members of Elvis’ family, entourage and more.I first started to get into broadcasting many years ago, appearing on most of the major television and radio shows in the UK as a guest. I suppose about 20 years ago I started to work for the BBC, (British Broadcasting Corporation), specialising in all things to do with the psychic world, (an expert in the field, if you like). In those days I was also the astrologer for them, working from the famous Pebble Mill Studios in Birmingham. I took on my own show, Philip Solomon’s Music and Memories, on Wolverhampton City Radio about five years ago and, as you say, it is true that over the years I have interviewed some incredible stars, many of whom I also knew already, through my psychic work. A few to spotlight would probably be film legend, Mickey Rooney, a very interesting man! I also became friends with his wife, Jan, a lovely lady. Dean Martin’s daughter, Deana, was a very interesting interviewee and, again, someone who has become a good friend. Elvis’s family and entourage are always amazing people and perhaps some of the most interesting interviews are of people who knew him in the early years, such as Sandi Pichon, Sonny West, and some of his cousins who had jobs at Graceland. Perhaps the most amazing story was when I interviewed Sonny.My producer at that time was a guy who didn’t believe in anything paranormal at all. In fact, his job was as a scientist outside of radio. But as I was talking to Sonny, he saw in a mist, a man in a white suit standing beside me, and was very shocked by his experience. Your dad would have found that one interesting, Alex!! Was it Elvis? Who knows? But I like to think it might have been. Almost all the top mediums and psychics in Europe are people I know well, but a fascinating interview was with the American medium John Edward. I found we had so much in common and he was a really down-to-earth, nice guy to basically chat to, which is what a good interview should be all about.
Philip with more celebritiesl Atkins, original singer and founding member of Judas Priest and top Black Country guitarist, Chris Johnson. Philip suggests reading Al's book,Dawn of the Metal Gods, as he says it's brilliant and a 'must have' item for all rock-n-roll fans.
Talk to me about your upbringing in England and how you knew you had the ability of your sixth sense? Did this lead you into demonstrating mediumship and more? Did you have other aspirations other then being a professional spiritualist medium?
I was brought up in Central England and my mother, Elsie, was a very fine medium in her own right. I wouldn’t say that she ever pushed me into being a medium or anything like that, but I suppose it was a great advantage to have someone like her who could explain things to me. To be honest with you, I have had the ability to see and talk to spirit people all my life and my first remembered experience was speaking to my great grandmother in the front room of our home. She came across as being surprised that I could see her and told me that I should think of her as my great grandmama, a name that my mother in later years said she had used in reference to her grandmother.
Tell me about your family and music. Specifically more so about your father and his notoriety in the music industry. This seemed to be your influence to also become a musician, right?
My father was one of the UK’s first Record Hop DJs and very instrumental in putting on a lot of rock-n-roll events over here in the UK. He was a great visionary in a lot of ways and saw the fascination in the late 1950s that the music was going to have for teenagers. It always used to make me smile, because he used to travel up to Liverpool and get records off the American sailors, so he would have them to play before anyone else, but generally told people that the major record companies had sent them personally to him! Just a little white lie, I suppose. He also wanted to see a lot of the American artists come over here, and even tried with a few others, to get Elvis over here, but for some reason no one could ever do that. From a very young age all I can say is that all I wanted to be was a rock-n-roll singer and entertainer, and a lot of people in the business certainly thought I had the ability, voice and personality. Unfortunately, my mother had had a difficult life as a young girl, with her mother always being away singing, (she was a very good opera singer), and my mom had to look after a very large family. So she was very discouraging and much against my intentions of becoming a rock star! As a top medium, she had also done many readings for famous people at that time and basically she didn’t want me living that kind of life and she had also seen the ups and downs my dad had had, often saying he’d earned millions for others but very little for himself. My mother was a big influence on me and probably the reason why I became a spiritualist medium, writer and broadcaster. But I won’t lie to you, I would sooner have been a pop star!
What was the first book you published and what are the latest titles you want your readers to know about?
The very first book I ever published was called “Ghosts of the Midlands and How To Detect Them” in 1990. I had the idea that people in Central England should have a book that told them not just of its ghost stories, but also how to go and find them and some equipment they could use help them make it more likely to detect them, very simple and cheap everyday objects that were mainly from around the house and could be made up into a ghost hunter’s tool kit. It almost immediately became an incredibly well-selling book. I have written sixteen books over the years and I suppose three that particularly come to mind, would be the one I co-wrote with your dear dad, “Beyond Death: Conditions In The Afterlifeâ€. I don’t know whether you realise or not, Alex, but it had always been your father’s intention that after this book’s publication, we would do some filming where séances would be arranged for many of the very famous people from the world of show business, etc., who are now on the other side. This would be where we invite their families to sit with us and through my mediumship and your father’s presence and overview, we would have a wonderful way of showing their families and fans that these stars go on, and that this would also give the general public an opportunity to realise that their loved ones also go on.
Of course Hans was not so well not long after the publication of this book and it never came about, which is a shame because he was one of the people who really knew all these stars first-hand and it would have made wonderful television. It was one of my great disappointments that it didn’t happen, and I know it was a great disappointment for your dad too. Oh well, it’s the way things go. My next favourite book is basically the story of my life, “Guided By The Light; The Autobiography of a Born Medium†and I am also very proud of my latest book called “Haunted Staffordshire†which is a collection of ghost stories of one of England’s oldest and most haunted regions.
Local historian and medium Phil Solomon, from Willenhall, is penning a book about spooky happenings in the Black Country and is trying to find out more about the origins of the oil painting now in his care.He said he originally owned the painting decades ago and, after a spell in America, by coincidence it had come back to him.And he warned anyone of a nervous disposition not to stare or even look at the image.But when they got up the next day it was on the floor once more. One of her children told his mother that he saw figures coming out of the tower.â€Phil said it was then sold the picture to a woman who owned a New Age shop in Walsall Road.He added: “People who came into the shop said they saw faces or glowing areas on it. Some people absolutely loved the painting and wanted to buy it, others didn’t like it at all and said it scared them because they could see unusual ghostly figures and lights.“The painting was sold on and it even went to America at one time, amazingly to some friends of mine who insisted they wanted it. But they didn’t keep it long before they sold it to a couple, who actually lived in all places, my home town of Willenhall.“Then a gentleman who had the painting met me by coincidence and asked me if he could give me a present because he was scared by it.â€Phil said: “I’m trying to find out who painted this picture and what exactly it is of. People also see literally dozens of ghostly figures in this painting and skulls in the clouds alongside other numerous visions.â€Phil said the painting was bought by a woman in a second hand shop in Horseley Fields, Wolverhampton, about 30 years ago.He said: “She liked the painting, but it unnerved her and both her children insisted it scared them. The first night she put it up it fell off the wall twice, so she had her husband secure it with a screw.Guided by the Light
Philip Richard Bowman Brooks, died suddenly at home in Wylam, Northumberland on h June 2018, aged 78. He studied Pharmacy at Nottingham University from 1959-1962, and became a relief manager with Boots the Chemist in branches around Suffolk. In 1964 he retrained at Leeds University in Town Planning and worked for a time in many mining villages of the West Riding of Yorkshire. In 1969 he moved to Northumberland, working for the County Council there until his retirement in 1998. He lived in Wylam from 1970, where he became a Parish and District Councillor- starting the village newsletter, setting up the Village Railway Museum- birthplace of George Stephenson- and latterly working with a small group investigating the lives of people listed on the village war memorial. In recent years he enjoyed visiting his daughter, now living in Nottingham. He actively supported the University, latterly through the Nottingham Alumini campaign for student scholarships. He leaves a widow Barbara, daughter Rebecca and son Matthew.